Half of chocolate sponge, ganache, chocolate cream 575 EGPSelect options Half chocolate fudge cake, chocolate cream with Nutella, half white sponge, milky cream, crocodile and hazelnuts with strawberries. 495 EGPSelect options Half of chocolate fudge cake, fresh cream, chocolate cream, maltesers + a half of white sponge, croquant hazelnut, fresh cream, Strawberry 450 EGP – 575 EGPSelect options Chocolate sponge +cream Chocolate with nutella with Hazelnut & Maltesers 425 EGPRead more Twins Marquise and Strawberry
+ a half of white sponge , cream fresh , strawberries, strawberry jam Twins Nutella And Strawberry
Twins Maltesers and Strawberry
Twins Swissroll chocolate and Strawberry